J. Korean Soc. People Plants Environ Search


Journal of Korean Society for People, Plants and Environment 2011;14(2):109-115.
Published online April 30, 2011.
신안튤립축제 방문객의 축제 만족도 조사 및 행사평가
안홍균(Hong Gyun Ahn), 유용권(Yong Kweon Yoo)
This study was conducted to examine the appraisal and visitor satisfaction in the 3rd Shinan Tulip Festival. It was investigated from 16 April to 25 April on 290 visitors of Shinan Tulip Festival. Visitors consisted of 219 Jeollanamdo inhabitants and 71 other region tourists. It was found that entrance and traffic convenience was the most satisfied factors in visitors. The festival facilities such as windmill, tulip park, and farm, was secondly satisfied factor, and the service of guide was chosen as third favorite item. The satisfaction level of convenience facilities, resting place and lavatory was low by 6.68 and 6.36 point, respectively. Also, visitors were dissatisfied with factors of diversity, price, and quality of festival product, and its points showed 6.27, 6.19, and 6.35, respectively. And, diversity, price, and taste of festival foods were the most unsatisfied factors from visitors among 23 items. To increase visitors’ satisfaction, development of new food and establishment of local food booth is necessary. Also, development of various festival programs and products of good quality is recommended to increase the visitors satisfaction and for revisit of visitors.
KeyWords: Festival food, Festival product, Festival program, Revisit, Satisfaction level
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