Instructions to authors
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- Instructions to authors
- Enacted on April 4, 1998
- Revised on December 24, 2014
- Revised on October 25, 2018
Table of Contents
1. Qualification for Submission
- (1) The qualification for submission to this journal shall be limited to the members.
- (2) The submitting authors shall perform all the duties as a member including payment of membership fee at the time of submission.
2. Subject of Submission
- (1) The manuscripts that may be submitted to this journal shall be the research papers on people, plants, and environment, review paper, technical report, special issue and so on.
- (2) The submitted papers shall be the works that have not been released to any other publications.
3. Submitted Manuscript
- (1) The manuscript shall be applied and submitted through e-mail or online paper submission. The submitted manuscript shall not be returned.
- (2) At the time of submission using the ‘online JPPE submission system’, the cover letter and declaration of ethical conduct in research along with the manuscript shall be uploaded to the system after registration with username and password.
4. Form of Expression of Manuscript
- (1) The manuscript of research paper shall be written in Korean or English.
- (2) An English abstract (200~300 words) shall be attached to the research paper.
- (3) The figures, tables, and pictures included in the research papers shall be framed in colors or black and white for direct plate making. For the method of framing, they shall be indicated in English in principle.
- (4) The design work shall include the design drawing and design process accompanied.
- (5) The drawing of design work shall be framed to be used as the original drawing for plate making. The size of drawing shall not exceed double of the size of one page of journal.
- (6) The key words within 5 words shall be written at the bottom of abstract in alphabetical order. The key words shall be the words that are not included in the title.
- (7) In case of manuscript in Korean, first the title, subtitle, author, and affiliation shall be written in Korean and then English, and the abstract (in English), keywords (in English), introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, and references (in English) shall follow in order in principle. In case of manuscript in English, first the title, subtitle, author, and affiliation shall be written in English and the abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, and references shall follow in order in principle.
- (8) The email addresses and ORCID codes of first author and corresponding author and acknowledgements shall be written as a footnote.
5. Quantity of Manuscript
- (1) In case of framing, the manuscript shall be framed without columns of final output style of journal, and the regulated quantity is 6 pages (the contributor shall perform the offline edit of the figures, tables, pictures, and so on in advance).
- (2) When the quantity of manuscript comes to exceed 6 pages with the number of pages of journal finally published as the standard, the actual expense coming under the exceeding part shall be borne by the author.
6. Adoption and Publication of Manuscript
- (1) Whether the manuscript is adopted or not, the order of publication, and proofreading shall be in accordance with the determination of the Editorial Board.
- (2) The examination of manuscript shall be in accordance with the separately determined examination regulations.
- (3) The publication of manuscript which is not proper for these submission regulations may be reserved following the determination of the Editorial Board.
- (3) The publication of manuscript which is not proper for these submission regulations may be reserved following the determination of the Editorial Board.
- (4) The contributor shall take the entire responsibility about the contents and form, misspelling, and omitted words of the submitted manuscript.
- (5) A first author or corresponding author may not publish three or more papers in the same issue, while co-authors may publish without limitation.
- (6) The design work shall be limited to those released at the academic conference of this Society.
7. Tables and Figures
The tables and figures shall be framed in English in principle. The title of table shall be written on the top, and the title of figure shall be written at the bottom. In case of figures, the thickness of lines, size of printing types, and so on shall be made proper considering the reduction rate at the time of printing. When the lines, printing types, and so on are not clear at the time of printing, the author shall frame the figures again and submit. The tables and figures shall be arranged in the text.
8. Literature Cited
1> Citation of Literature in Text
- (1) The citation of literature cited in the text shall be indicated with the last name of author and year following the Harvard system.
- (2) The indication of literature cited in the papers shall be framed following the below examples. But, in case of papers in Korean, there shall be no space between the last name and the round bracket or between the previous sentence and the round bracket, and in case of papers in English, there shall be space between them.
1) In case of one or two persons
In the text: Kang (2011), Robert and Lee (2011)
In the round bracket: (Robert, 2011), (Kim and Hong, 2011)
2) In case of three or more persons
In the text: Robert et al. (2011)
In the round bracket: (Kim et al., 2011)
In case of two or more papers
In the text: Kang and Hong (2010, 2011), Cho (2010a, 2010b, 2011), Robert et al. (2010, 2011)
In the round bracket: (Robert, 2011; Tom and Kilson, 2011), (Kang et al., 2010, 2011a, 2011b)
2> Literature Cited
- (1) The literature cited shall be framed in English in both the papers in Korean and papers in English. When the original text has no English title together, the title shall be translated to suit the meaning. The simple transliteration following the pronunciation shall not be permitted.
- (2) Only the literature cited in the text shall be listed without fail.
- (3)The literature that can be cited is the learned journals published regularly, research reports, abstracts of academic conferences, proceedings, bulletin, books, theses, and so on.
- (4) The literature cited shall be arranged in the order of alphabet of author name. Each of the literature cited shall be written in the order of the author name, year of release, title, name of journal, volume(issue), and page.
- (5) When there are two or more literatures of the same author(s), they shall be arranged in the order of year.
- (6) When several literatures with the same first author and different second or third author are listed, the literatures shall be arranged following the last name of the second or third author consecutively regardless of the year of release.
- (7) When there are two or more papers of the same author and same year, a, b, and so on shall be indicated in the year.
- (8) For the indication of name of author, the name of first author shall be the last name and the initial, and the names of second author, third author, and so on shall be the initial and the last name. But, the initial of author name shall have no space between them, and when there are two authors, there shall be “and” between them. When there are three or more authors, there shall be a comma between them and shall be “, and” right before the name of last author. When the name includes Junior, the name shall be written as Smith, B.F., Jr.
<Example> Order of Literature Cited, indication of author name, and indication of year
Barley, K.H. 2011.
Barley, K.H and R.M. Donald. 2011.
Barley, K.H., R.M. Donald, and K.A. Robert. 2011a.
- (9) For the title of paper and signature, only the first letter shall be a capital letter with other letters as small letters. The first letter of the subtitle shall also be a capital letter.
- (10) The name of academic journal shall be written entirely when it is made of one word (for example, HortScience, Phytopathology, Science, and so on), and for the names with many words, the abbreviation of major words excluding “of”, “and”, and “the” shall be written according to the abbreviations below. The name of journals indicating the abbreviation originally shall be used as the indication.
- (11) The concrete examples of framing the literature cited are as follows.
1) A paper on academic journals (Periodical)
Krizek, D.T., R.M. Mirecki, and S.J. Britz. 1997. Inhibitory effects of ambient levels of solar UV-A and UV-B radiation on growth of cucumber. Physiol. Plant. 100(4):886-893. DOI:10.1111/j.1399-3054.1997.tb00014.x
2) A book
Hartmann, H.T., D.E. Kester, F.T. Davies, Jr., and R.L. Geneve. 1997. Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Oh, H.G. 2000. Aromatherapy (pp. 13-42). Seoul, Korea: Yangmun Publishing.
3) A chapter in an edited book
Brown, A.G. 1975. Apples. In J. Janick and J.N. Moore (eds.), Advances in fruit breeding (pp. 3-37). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
4) A pamphlet, a Bulletin, or a brochure
Strock, M. 2002. Depression (Pamphlet). Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health.
5) A dissertation or a thesis
Reeder, J.D. 1981. Nitrogen transformation in revegetated coal spoils. Doctoral dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA.
Kim, Y.N. 2007. Analysis of horticultural therapy program for the elderly. Master’s thesis, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
6) A presentation at a conference
Green, D.B. and A. DeSilva. 2015, June. The toxicity levels of household chemicals. Poster presented at the National Symposium on Air Pollution, University of Southern California, California.
7) A conference proceeding
Armstrong, D. B., G. Fogarty, and D. Dingsdag. 2007. Scales measuring characteristics of small business information systems. In: W-G. Tan (Ed.), Proceedings of Research, Relevance and Rigour: Coming of age: 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (pp. 163-171). Toowoomba, Australia: University of Southern Queensland.
8)A report
Ministry of Health & Welfare. 2018. The plan of government action for preventing suicide (Report No. xx). Sejong, Korea: Author. Retrieved from
9) A website or a newspaper article
Orsman, B. and G. Vaughan. 2005, June 21. Rat blamed for latest Telecom blackout. The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved from
9. Receipt of Manuscript
- (1) The manuscripts can be submitted at all times.
- (2) You shall use e-mail or online for contacts about manuscript and editing.
Online submission system: