J. People Plants Environ Search


J. People Plants Environ > Volume 22(1); 2019 > Article
Journal of People, Plants, and Environment 2019;22(1):15-29.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11628/ksppe.2019.22.1.015    Published online February 28, 2019.
Assessment of Display and Events of Agro-Healing Experience Center for Visitors Satisfaction and Revisit Intention:
Hye Sook Jang  , Gyung Mee Gim, Sun-Jin Jeong  , Jae Soon Kim
National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA, Wanju 55365, Korea
Correspondence:  Sun-Jin Jeong,
Email: sunjin75@korea.kr
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the exhibition displays and events of the Agro-healing Experience Hall in the Agricultural Technology Exhibition 2018 on satisfaction and revisit intention of visitors. A survey was conducted on visitors of the Agro-healing Experience Hall and the responses of 274 visitors excluding 26 cases with inappropriate responses were analyzed. For psychological measurement, the Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS), Profile of Mood States (POMS), level of plant gardening experience, satisfaction and loyalty were measured. There was a significant difference among age groups in all four factors of the PRS (repose, fascination, coherence, and legibility). In the case of education level, there was a significant difference in the three factors (repose, fascination, and legibility). In addition, average monthly income showed a significant difference among groups in the two factors (fascination and coherence). As a result of analyzing the mood states of visitors for the exhibition events of the Agro-healing Experience Hall, there was a significant difference among age groups only in the case of vigor (p < .05). As a result of analyzing the correlation between the level of plant gardening activities (3 factors) and PRS (4 factors) in the exhibition events of the Agro-healing Experience Hall, plant preference tendency and plant-related event showed a high positive correlation of 0.5 or more with repose of the PRS factors. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to investigate the effects of the level of plant gardening activities, PRS and POMS on the satisfaction and loyalty of visitors. As a result, it was found that in terms of relative explanatory power over independent variables affecting satisfaction and revisit intention, fascination had the greatest effect, followed by vigor, fatigue, and occupation (company employee). The results of this study suggest that exhibition events of the Agro-healing Experience Hall affect repose, fascination or vigor of visitors, and thus can be used positively to increase satisfaction and revisit intention of visitors.
KeyWords: fascination, legibility, level of plant gardening activity, POMS, PRS
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