J. People Plants Environ Search


J. People Plants Environ > Volume 21(6); 2018 > Article
Journal of People, Plants, and Environment 2018;21(6):523-532.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11628/ksppe.2018.21.6.523    Published online December 30, 2018.
The Effect of Applying Learning Theory to Horticultural Therapy on Improving Personal Relationships in High School Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Iee-Hwa Jang  , Kyung-Hee Han
Korean Horticultural Therapy & Wellbeing Gyeonggi Branch, Suwon 16675, Korea
Correspondence:  Iee-Hwa Jang,
Email: jangha119@hanmail.net
In order to actively apply horticultural therapy to vocational education base schools, this study applied the learning theories based on behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism to improve the vocational skills of high school students with intellectual disabilities. The horticultural therapy program was carried out in total 12 sessions with three groups composed of 20 students each: 20 in the control group, 20 in the experimental group with a normal horticultural program, and 20 in the experimental group with a horticultural therapy program which applied the learning theories based on behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. The results were analyzed with SPSS 12.0 using the Interpersonal Negotiation Strategies evaluation tool. The study found that in terms of interpersonal relationship, there was no significant difference between the pre and post tests within each group. However, in the post tests among the three groups, there was no significant difference between control group and experimental group with normal horticultural program (p=.82), but there was a significant difference between the control group and experimental group with the horticultural therapy program applying the learning theories based on behaviorism, cognitivism (p=.03). This proved that the horticultural therapy program applying the learning theories based on behaviorism, cognitivism is effective for improving interpersonal relationship. Ultimately the program is expected to be continuously, and systematically improved and applied as a learning method contributing to developing the basic vocational skills of persons with intellectual disabilities.
KeyWords: cooperative learning, employee performance, integrated vocational education, sociality enhancement, vocational rehabilitation

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