다양한 인공광원이 Begonia xhiemalis와 Pelargonium crispum의 생장 및 개화에 미치는 영향 |
박인숙(In Sook Park), 임태조(Tae Jo Lim), 이명숙(Myoung Sook Lee), 조경진(Kyung Jin Cho), 오욱(Wook Oh) |
Abstract |
This study was conducted to compare the effects of seven artificial light sources on the growth and development of flowering potted plants, Begonia xhiemalis ‘Camilla’ and Pelargonium crispum ‘Angeleyes Randy’ that can be used indoors. Plants were grown for 100 days under various artificial lamps as follows: fluorescent lamp (FL) tube-type (tube) + bulb-type (bulb), LED tube, FL tube + LED bulb, FL bulb + halogen lamp (HL), high pressure sodium lamp (HPS), metal halide lamp (MH), mercury lamp (MC). Environmental conditions of a phytotron were PPFD of 25±2 μmolㆍm⁻²ㆍs⁻¹, air temperature of 22±2℃, and day length of 16 hours. Under the various light sources, B. xhiemalis ‘Camilla’ showed no significant difference in plant height, plant width and number of leaves. Chlorophyll content was higher under FL tube + LED bulb and lower under HPS. The cumulative number of open flowers was largest (91.8) under FL bulb + HL and smallest (58.5) under MC. Flower diameter was largest under MH (4.8 cm), while smallest under MC (3.6 cm). Fresh weight and dry weight were largest under MH among artificial light sources. In P. crispum ‘Angeleyes Randy’, plant height was longest under HPS, there was significant difference among the others, while plant width showed no significant difference in all light source treatments. Chlorophyll content was highest under FL tube + LED bulb, there showed significantly different in FL bulb + HL and HPS. In the cumulative number of open flowers, there was significant difference between MH (71.3) and FL (tube + bulb). Flower diameter and fresh weight showed no different among all light sources. Dry weight was greatest under MH, and there was significant difference in FL (tube + bulb). These results showed that MH among artificial light sources was most proper for growth and development in two species used in this experiment. |
Fluorescent lamp, High pressure sodium lamp, Light-emitting diode (LED), Metal halide lamp |