옥상녹화의 이용자 선호도 및 만족도 |
김한(Han Kim), 강현경(Hyun Kyung Kang), 방광자(Kwang Ja Bang), 권민훈(Min Hoon Kweon), 김선혜(Sun Hae Kim) |
Abstract |
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to create rooftop gardening and propose to specific methods for effective utilization plan. In order to cope with effective utilization plan, analysing the user preference research and the user satisfaction research about 4 business buildings that was built up rooftop gardening. As the results of user preference research, they have a high preference for shrub planting space where is planting a value of ornamental plant such as flowers, fruits, leaves. Especially, they preferred the garden types where is a compromise between green spaces and break areas. For that reasons, the plan methods of rooftop gardening should be desirable for them to intimately connect to between green spaces and break areas. In addition, they preferred vegetation packing materials and acupressure path. Therefore, it is very important how create the multi-functional spaces where is satisfied the function of green space, exercise space and break space. As the results of user satisfaction research, they preferred the plenty of green quantity and also they liked the shrub planting space where is planting a small height ornamental plant. In addition, they wanted to create the multi-functional green open-spaces where will be able to offer a various facilities such as benches, vending machines, water features, sports facilities, etc. In conclusion, in order to improve and vitalize the rooftop gardening, we analysed the user preference tendency and propose to specific methods for effective utilization plan. Therefore, this research could be used as basic data for improving and creating the rooftop gardening. |
Garden types, Preference research, Satisfaction research |