J. Korean Soc. People Plants Environ Search


J. People Plants Environ > Volume 19(1); 2016 > Article
Ahn and Choi: A Light Adaptability of Wild Evergreen Ternstroemia gymnanthera for Development of Material of Plant of Indoor Garden


This study was performed to grasp the introduction of Korean wild evergreen broad-leaved tree, Ternstroemia gymnanthera, as a plant of indoor garden, and to figure out the light-adaptability under the four types indoor lighting and to provide the introduction plan. The experimental plants, Ternstroemia gymnanthera was purchased from the farmhouse in Jeju-do as a year plant, and it was experimented after the acclimation in the glass-green house of general farm of Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology for 40 days. The experiment was performed for 1 year more from September 10, 2014 to September 30, 2015. The results of the experiment are as follows. When Ternstroemia gymnanthera is introduced as a plant of the indoor garden, the optical fiber, fluorescent lamp, and LED light in order are suitable to introduce as the proper lighting. In the case of the three-wave light, the growth and development was the worst among the 4 introduced lighting systems, therefore, the growth of Ternstroemia gymnanthera under the three-wave light was incongruous generally. The withering appearance was existed seriously by 500lux. Some leaves were fallen off, but generally smooth growth and development was done in the range of the 1,000lux to 2,000lux. The best intensity for the growth was under the condition of the 1,000lux. When the fluorescent lamp, and LED light are introduced, the most proper luminous intensity is the 2,000lux. When the optical fiber is introduced, the most efficient intensity is the 1,000lux. Generally the smooth growth and development is done under the more luminous intensity. As the result, the wild Ternstroemia gymnanthera is the species of tree to substitute the Ficus benghalensis, or Ficus retusa which is the foreign species, as a central tree or upper tree as well as pot tree, and it is expected to introduce sufficiently as a plant of the indoor garden.


As the interest in eco-friendly life is on the rise, introducing plants into indoor space is growing. Plant introduction into indoor space has been mainly flower arrangement using cut- flowers or potted decoration introducing plants into pots for a long time (Lee et al., 2002), however, as buildings become enlarged and high-risen, the indoor-garden decoration which introduces tall plants using large area is preferred. Furthermore, the technique of plant decoration also pursues a lot of advancement and change, and it shows various greenwall decoration technique which decorates plants in three dimensions by installing frame on vertical wall instead of decorating plants only on building floor. However introducing plants into indoor space has limitation in selecting plants due to unique characteristic (distinctiveness) of indoor environment (Lee, 1995). There is few limitations in selecting plants in the plant material for cut-flower which is used for enjoying in short time or the material for potted flower which can be moved, however, if the plants are introduced into indoor garden which enjoys the plants for longer time in fixed state, selecting a plant material which can highly adapt to indoor environment should be required in order to reduce the cost for changing plants. In this regards, major plant material for introducing into indoor garden nowadays is foliage plant which has shade tolerance (Goak, 1994; Lee and Oh, 2002; Lee, 1994), and warm temperate evergreen broad-leaved tree which usually grows wild in tropical rain forest area is mainly introduced as species of trees. In the case of Korea included in temperate climate, ever green broad-leaved trees which grows naturally in the South coast and Jeju-do are introduced but developing material isn’t enough (Koo et al., 2001; Ryu, 2005; Shin et al., 2011).
The wild plants that are introduced into indoor landscape space are only 19 families and 27 species including arrangement for pot now and myrsinaceous plants such as Ardisia, Coral ardisia, and Ardisia pusilla are actively introduced (Sohn and Kim, 2010; Lee and Oh, 2002), and most evergreen broad-leaved trees are introduced into some spaces in passive type, therefore, considering active use of wild evergreen broad-leaved tree species actively is needed (Chang et al., 2004; Park and Shim, 1989). Ternstroemia gymnanthera is usually found in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Borneo, and the Philippines, and as a warm temperate evergreen broad-leaved tree which grows wild in Southern coast islands and Jeju-do, its leaf type is long orchid shape and it is coriaceous which means thick and glossy. Its flowers grow in clusters with light yellow from lower part of leaf axil in the year branch and its diameter is about 2cm and it comes out downward around July. Its fruits are round or oosphere type with 1.2~1.5cm long, and they become ripe in read in October and the quality of their material is compact so they are also used as material of buildings, apparatus, or stationary (Lee, 1996; Lee, 1999). Its leaf and type of tree is beautiful so it is usually planted as street tree or garden tree in the South Coast and Jeju-do as landscape material, and it grows well in penumbra and stays over the coldest season above 5°C (Yoon, 1989). If it is introduced into indoor space, it would be introduced as a potted plant by planting independently or if it is introduced for garden, it would be planted as overwood or centerwood which can raise the atmosphere and it can be also used for shield planting as branches and leaves grow thick and become stroll planting like tree screen. Therefore, this study researched adaptability for the light of wild Ternstroemia gymnanthera under indoor lighting and it was conducted in order to suggest introducing way by figuring out effective lighting and illumination if wild Ternstroemia gymnanthera is planted as a plant for garden in indoor space.

1. Methods of selecting experimental plants and experimental group

The experimental plants, Ternstroemia gymnanthera, was purchased from the farmhouse in Jeju-do as a year plant grown as seedage, and it was experimented after the acclimation in the glass-green house of general farm of Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology for 50 days. The experiment was performed from September 20, 2014 to September 30, 2015.
Ternstroemia gymnanthera which is very fresh is used in the experiment by selecting uniformed plants whose leaf length or leaf width is 0.08cm and plant length is within 1~2cm in order to reduce error range in measured value as much as possible. Morphological average measurement value before the experiment is composed of 3.7cm in leaf length, 1.6cm in leaf width, 11.8cm in plant length, 8.3 in the number of leaves, 1.0 in the number of branches, and 1.9 in the number of nodes.
Fluorescent lamp, LED light, and three-wave light which are used in indoor landscape space, and optical fiber system light which is introduction facility of photovoltaic (Kim, 1984; Choi and Bang, 2002, Choi and Shin, 2013) are introduced as the indoor lightning. In the case of the wavelength range by introducing light source, the fluorescent lamp with white color rendering composed of 380nm~780nm emitted 13% of blue light and LED light consisted of 450nm~480nm of wavelength range as blue light. Three-wave light with orange color rendering like incandescent lamp is composed of 560nm~630nm of wavelength range. The optical fiber is the same of 360nm~ 760nm of visible light and it is the system as indoor light by tracing solar orbit with colorless light which almost blocks wavelength range of ultraviolet rays (Kim, 2000).
Also, the experiment plot is set in three-dimensional quadrangle type like indoor room by consisting of 1.8m in height and 3.24m2 floor area with using panels and three vents whose height of diameter is 20cm were made on back panels and shading net was set for blocking in order that the light cannot penetrate into, and blocked temperature rise depending on heat by installing ventilating fan.
The luminous intensity was set in 100lux, 500lux, 1,000lux, 2,000lux which are generally lighted for indoor garden (Kim and Lee, 2005; Bang et al., 2000; Choi, 2005) and irradiation was done for 12 hours a day continuously. The range of temperature in the experiment place was 20±3°C and the humidity kept 50~60%.
Ternstroemia gymnanthera was planted after culture soil by mixing peat moss, pearlite, vermiculite, and Masato as 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 is filled by 80% in 12cm-long pot and the experiment was conducted with 5 individuals and 4 repetition.

2. Measuring elements of plants and analysis method

To figure out ornamental value of Ternstroemia gymnanthera, the number of leaves, plant length, leaf length, leaf width, the number of node, branch number, and content of cholotophyl as morphological elements were measured. The characteristic of the inside of the plant was figured out by measuring photosynthesis (Pn), CO2 concentration in cells (Ci), conductivity of stoma (Cs), transpiration rate (Tr), CO2 concentration in atmosphere (Ca), CO2 uptake (CO2) with using measurement device for photosynthesis (Li-6400, Li-Cor, USA).
The measurement period is from October 2, 2015 to October 22, 2015 by selecting clear days and the average of the measurement was calculated tby selecting 1~3 leaf from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Faria et al., 1996; Han et al., 2005; Yoon and Paek 2012). The condition of the inside of the chamber was 25°C in temperature, 50% in relative humidity, 400±30㎍ℓ-1 in CO2 concentration and the amount of photosynthesis of all the experimental plants were measured by repeating 3 times.
The statistics on the experiment result was done in variance analysis by using SAS Ver. 8.0 (SAS Institute Inc., 2008) programs and the difference among average was tested according to the Duncan’s multiple range test (5%).

Conclusions and considerations

1. Growth ・development and biological activity by the luminous intensity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera under the fluorescent lamp

All plants were able to grow and development in entire luminous intensity range from 100lux to 2,000lux as the plants didn’t wither. Generally, as the intensity was higher, the growth and development showed smoother (Fig. 1). As shown in Table 1, statistical significance was showed in plant length, the number of leaves, the number of nodes among morphological measuring elements. Generally, as the luminous intensity is higher, the growth rate also high, therefore, the best growth and the best amount of growth were shown in 2,000lux.
Table 1.
Growing reactions of morphological measuring elements of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by luminous intensity of the fluorescent lamp.
Luminous intensity (lux) Growing amount
Fluorescent lamp
Leaf width (cm) Leaf length (cm) Plant height (cm) Leaf number (EA) Node number (EA) Branch number (EA) Chlorophyll Contents (SPAD)
100 2.3a 5. 5.3a 18.0b 10.8b 2.6b 1.0a 58.3a
500 2.3a 5. 5.3a 17.4b 13.4b 3.2ab 1.0a 60.9a
1,000 2.4a 6. 6.1a 19.0ab 14.4b 3.6ab 1.0a 62.1a
2,000 2.6a 6.1a 23.8a 22.8a 5.8a 1.0a 51.6a
Fig. 1
Experiment results of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by luminous intensity of the fluorescent lamp.
The plant length grew the most as 23.8cm in 2,000lux as its growth rate is higher depending on the luminous intensity. In the leaf number, the leaf emergence rate showed high as the intensity was higher, and the number of leaves was significantly different between 2,000lux and other intensity. The number of leaves was 22.8 in 2,000lux so the abundance and volume of the plants were highlighted, and similar leaf emergence rate was found from 100lux to 1,000lux: the number of leaves was 14.4 in 1,000lux, 13.4 in 500lux, and 10.8 in 100lux. The number of nodes also showed similar trend like the number of leaves, and the number of nodes was 5.8 in 2,000lux, which was the highest growth rate as the intensity grew high, the number of node also increased.
The variation of biological activity in the internal part of the plant showed statistical significant difference in CO2 concent-ration (Ci) in cells, transpiration rate (Tr), and conductivity of stoma (Cs) (Table 2). Generally, as the higher luminous intensity was, the smoother biological activity of the inside the plants was. In general, CO2 concentration (Ci) in cells and CO2 concentration in atmosphere (Ca) are relative, and as Photosynthetic efficiency (Pn) grows high, CO2 concentration in atmosphere (Ca) gets lowered but CO2 concentration (Ci) in cells gets increased (Reddy et al., 1995; Han et al., 2005; Park et al., 2010). As the intensity got higher under the fluorescent lamp, the CO2 concentration in atmosphere (Ca) was absorbed and became lowered, however, CO2 concentration (Ci) in cells of mesophyll tended to grow. In 2,000lux which showed the most smooth growth in morphological measurement of the plant, 4.02μmol・m-2s-1 was the highest in the photosynthetic efficiency (Pn), and the CO2 concentration (Ci) in cells showed 233.27㎍cm-2min-1 which was the highest as the CO2 uptake in the inside of the plants. However, there was no significant difference among the intensity in the difference of the photosynthetic efficiency (Pn), which supported that growth of Ternstroemia gymnanthera can be maintained through photosynthetic under 100lux of fluorescent lamp.
Table 2.
Experiment results of biological activity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera under the fluorescent lamp.
Luminous intensity (lux) Photosynthesis
Fluorescent lamp
Pn Ci Tr Ca CO2 Cs
100 3.14a 179.58b 0.09b 396.29a 3.52a 0.01b
500 3.35a 183.56b 0.33ab 396.34a 3.74a 0.02b
1,000 3.70a 231.59a 0.7ab 395.80a 3.81a 0.05a
2,000 4.02a 233.27a 1.04a 395.70a 4.35a 0.06a
Transpiration rate (Tr) and conductivity of stoma (Cs) became the most active in 2,000lux. The biological activity in internal body of Ternstroemia gymnanthera under the fluorescent lamps is the most proper in 2,000lux.

2. The growth and biological activity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by the luminous intensity under the LED light

In case of the LED light, leaves of Ternstroemia gymnanthera began to fall starting from leaves in the lower part of the plan 4 months after the experiment and the entire plant withered 8 months later in the range of the 1,00lux to 1,000lux. On the other hand, under the 2,000lux, leaves did not fall off trees even with some of them turned yellow. And the withering appearance existed only in the range of 100lux to 500lux with 20% of mortality respectively. As the smooth development was done generally with more luminous intensity, the withering appearance did not exist in the range of 1,000lux to 2,000lux (Fig. 2). Table 3 indicated that there was statistically significant differences in the height the plants, the number of leaves and the number of nodes out of all morphological measuring elements. In particular, the number of leaf and node was significantly different between under the 2,000lux and other range of luminous intensity.
Fig. 2
Experiment results of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by luminous intensity of the LED light.
Table 3.
Growing reactions of morphological measuring elements of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by luminous intensity of the LED light.
Luminous intensity (lux) Growing amount
LED light
Leaf width (cm) Leaf length (cm) Plant height (cm) Leaf number (EA) Node number (EA) Branch number (EA) Chlorophyll Contents (SPAD)
100 2.3a 5.4a 16.9b 8.2b 1.8b 1.0a 58.9a
500 2.9a 5.9a 17.1b 9.8b 2.2b 1.0a 55.7a
1,000 2.4a 5.8a 20.2a 12.0b 2.8b 1.0a 60.7a
2,000 2.3a 5.9a 25.5a 29.2a 6.0a 1.0a 57.9a
The number of leaves is a main element that creates the entire volume of foliage plants notably affecting the ornamental value of the plant (Goak and Kim, 1969; Eom et al., 2003). The number of leaves that grew under the 2,000lux was 29.2, which was the highest, and about 8.2 to 12.0 leaves sprang up in the range of 1,00lux to 1,000lux. The number of nodes in line with the leaf number was also significantly different, recording the highest under the 2,000lux. In general, the number of leaf and node increased with the more luminous intensity. And particularly, under the 2,000lux, the increased density of leaves of Ternstroemia gymnanthera due to an increase in the number of leaf and node highlighted the entire volume of the plant and raised its ornamental value. The growth condition and development of Ternstroemia gymnanthera were the greatest under the 2,000lux. The biological activity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera showed a statistically significant difference in CO2 concentration in cells (Ci), transpiration rate (Tr), and conductivity of stoma (Cs) (Table 4).
Table 4.
Experiment results of biological activity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera under the LED light.
Luminous intensity (lux) Photosynthesis
LED light
Pn Ci Tr Ca CO2 Cs
100 2.59a 182.47c 0.43b 395.50a 3.52a 0.03b
500 2.40a 202.48bc 0.44b 395.94a 3.66a 0.03b
1,000 3.07a 245.49ab 0.47b 381.25a 3.91a 0.03b
2,000 3.39a 286.87a 0.86a 380.76a 4.24a 0.06a
The indoor plant not only has an ornamental value, but also has an influence on the control of indoor temperature and humidity and is affected by physical conditions through photosynthesis and evapotranspiration. The evapotranspiration rose according to an increase in the temperature and luminous intensity, but was lowered according to an increase in the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere (Son and Kim. 1998; Choi et al., 1997). And transpiration rate (Tr) and Ph under the LED light increased with more luminous intensity. Under the 2,000 lux, where transpiration rate (Tr) was the most, Photosynthetic rates (Pn) recorded the highest with 3.39μmol・m-2・s-1 and he CO2 concentration in atmosphere (Ca) was the lowest. However, CO2 concentration in cells (Ci) relatively increased to 286.87㎍cm-2・min-1 and conductivity of stoma (Cs) was activated the most under the 2,000lux.

3. The growth and biological activity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by the luminous intensity under the three-wave light

In case of the three-wave light, the dropping leaves and withering appearance existed under the less luminous intensity and the growth and development of Ternstroemia gymnanthera were the worst out of all four lights introduced. Leaves in the lower to middle of the plant significantly fell off 4 months after the experiment and began to wither 6 months later. The rate of mortality was 60% under the 100lux and 20% under the 500lux. In the range of 1,000lux to 2,000lux, relatively smooth growth and development were done even though some of leaves fell off (Fig. 3). Table 5 displayed statistically significant differences in the plant height, leaf number and branch number. The height of the plant increased with more luminous intensity and recorded the highest under the 2,000lux over all. The leaf number was significantly different by different luminous intensities. It was the worst in the range of 100lux to 500lux due to the dropping leaves and withering appearance. On the other hand, it was relatively good in the range of 1,000lux to 2,000lux, where the withering appearance did not exist, compared to the less luminous intensities and recorded the highest under the 1,000lux. The branch number decreased more than before the experiment in the range of 100lux to 500lux due to the withering appearance, but was maintained in the range of 1,000lux to 2,000lux as when the experiment started, which was better than in the range of less luminous intensities. The biological activity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera showed statistically significant differences in all elements (Table 6).
Fig. 3
Experiment results of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by luminous intensity of the three-wave light.
Table 5.
Growing reactions of morphological measuring elements of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by luminous intensity of the three-wave light.
Luminous intensity (lux) Growing amount
Three-wave light
Leaf width (cm) Leaf length (cm) Plant height (cm) Leaf number (EA) Node number (EA) Branch number (EA) Chlorophyll Contents (SPAD)
100 1.2a 3.5a 8.7b 3.0c 1.2a 0.4b 39.7a
500 1.9a 4.6a 15.3a 7.2bc 2.6a 0.8ab 44.7a
1,000 3.0a 6.9a 16.4a 16.2a 3.8a 1.0a 41.6a
2,000 2.6a 6.1a 18.6a 12.0ab 3.6a 1.0a 45.9a
Table 6.
Experiment results of biological activity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera under the three-wave light.
Luminous intensity (lux) Photosynthesis
Three-wave light
Pn Ci Tr Ca CO2 Cs
100 0.86b 140.96c 0.13b 398.54a 1.25b 0.01b
500 0.92b 239.09b 0.19b 396.86a 1.70b 0.01b
1,000 2.58a 336.90a 0.31a 254.81b 3.38a 0.04a
2,000 1.30b 288.11ab 0.29a 382.70a 1.87b 0.04a
In order to fix CO2 through photosynthesis, the first step should be diffusing CO2 within leaves through the pore of leaf and the dispersed CO2 is fixed by rubisco (Faria et al., 1996). Thus, the efficiency of carbon fixation reflects activity or content of rubisco, which is an enzyme involved in the first major step of carbon fixation in the process of photosynthesis (Farquhar et al., 1980) and is determined by the diffusion and conductivity of CO2 in the leaf with lower CO2 density and the capacity of rubisco. The ratio of carbon fixation by different luminous intensities was different so that the rate of CO2 uptake was the highest in the 1,000lux. Photosynthetic rates (Pn) also increased with more luminous intensities up to the 1,000lux with 2.58μmol・m-2・s-1 and decreased to some extent to 1.30μmol・m-2・s-1 under the 2,000lux. It was 0.92μmol・m-2・s-1 under the 5,000lux and 0.86μmol・m-2・s-1 under the 100lux. The result indicated that Photosynthetic rates (Pn) was the most efficient in the 1,000lux. In addition, CO2 concentration in cells (Ci), transpiration rate (Tr) and conductivity of stoma (Cs) according to photosynthesis increased the most in the 1,000lux.

4. Growth and biological activity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by the luminous intensity under the optical fiber

In the case of optical fiber, some of the late leaves were fallen off starting from five months and changes of leaf color by the luminous intensity were found to be clear starting from eight months, but there were no withering plants observed so it was able to grow the plant under all scope of the luminous intensity (Fig. 4). As seen in the Table 7, among the observed morphological elements there were statistically significant differences in the number of leaves and nodes and the content of chlorophyll. The number of leaves was the biggest in 1,000lux and the number of leaves was different from the illumination intensity range of 100lux to 500lux to the range of 1,000lux to 2,000lux. The entire plants did not wither thereby no differences were observed in the number of branches but there were differences in the number of nodes, and the number of nodes showed a proportional relation with that of leaves and the emergences of nodes and leaves were the highest in 1,000lux. The higher the luminous intensity was, the growth state and the growth volume was more active and larger. In addition, there were clear changes in leaf colors according tocontent of chlorophyll in the luminous intensity ranges. It has the lowest content of chlorophyll among the introduced light sources and there was a tendency that the lime-green color got deepened in the rage of 100lux to 1,000lux and the dark green color became evident in 2,000lux which has the largest content of chlorophyll. Biological activity in plants did not show statistically significant differences in all measured elements but it turned out that the higher the luminous intensity, biological activity in plants was higher in general (Table 8). Photosynthetic rates (Pn) were 4.32μmol・m-2・s-1 in 1,000lux, 4.22μmol・m-2・s-1 in 2,000lux, 3.92μmol・m-2・s-1 in 500lux and 3.37μmol・m-2・s-1 in 100lux, and transpiration rate (Tr) and conductivity of stoma (Cs) increased more when the luminous intensity is higher, and transpiration rate (Tr) and conductivity of stoma (Cs) were the highest in 1,000lux. Under the optical fiber, biological activity inside of ternstroemia gymnanthera was the highest in general in 1,000lux.
Fig. 4
Experiment results of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by luminous intensity of the optical fiber.
Table 7.
Growing reactions of morphological measuring elements of Ternstroemia gymnanthera by luminous intensity of the optical fiber.
Luminous intensity (lux) Growing amount
Optical fiber
Leaf width (cm) Leaf length (cm) Plant height (cm) Leaf number (EA) Node number (EA) Branch number (EA) Chlorophyll Contents (SPAD)
100 2.3a 5.4a 20.4a 14.6b 3.8b 1.0a 34.9ab
500 2.6a 5.8a 20.2a 16.0b 4.0b 1.0a 25.0b
1,000 2.5a 6.1a 20.6a 22.0a 5.0a 1.0a 39.9ac
2,000 2.9a 6.6a 24.9a 19.2ab 4.4b 1.0a 56.1a
Table 8.
Experiment results of biological activity of Ternstroemia gymnanthera under the optical fiber.
Luminous intensity (lux) Photosynthesis
Optical fiber
Pn Ci Tr Ca CO2 Cs
100 3.37a 177.99a 0.43a 395.83a 4.24a 0.05a
500 3.92a 189.16a 0.51a 395.02a 4.94a 0.05a
1,000 4.32a 219.30a 0.63a 394.22a 5.48a 0.06a
2,000 4.22a 198.53a 0.61a 394.46a 5.35a 0.06a


As the result of studying more than one year in the illumination rage of 100lux to 2,000lux to figure out whether ternstroemia gymnanthera can be introduced as a plant for indoor gardens under four types of indoor lightings such as fluorescent lamp, LED light, three-wave light and optical fiber, changes of growth state and inside biological activity of ternstroemia gymnanthera and ways for the implementation are as follows.
First, in case of fluorescent lamp, it was found that the entire plants did not wither away so the lamp can be implemented as an adequate lighting for ternstroemia gymnanthera. In general, with higher illumination, the plant showed better growth and development, its development was the highest in 2,000lux therefore it was found to be the optimal luminous intensity. Second, in case of LED light, the growth state was low in the luminous intensity range of 100lux to 500lux and it was observed that 20% of entire plants withered away. With higher illumination, activity inside of the plants and the development were smoother, therefore it was figured out that the light can be safely implemented in the range of 1,000lux to 2,000lux. The growth and development was the best in 2,000lux.
Third, in case of three-wave light, growth state and growth amount were the worst among the introduced four types of lightings. The death rate under the condition of 100lux was 60%, freshness and growth state became worse than those before the study and in 500lux the death rate recorded 20%. In case of the luminous intensity from 1,000lux to 2,000lux, some late leaves were fallen off but the entire plants did not wither away so the light can be introduced, but it was found that the light is not effective as freshness of the plants were reduced. The best luminous intensity for growth and development was 1,000lux.
Fourth, in case of optical fiber, as the plants did not wither away in all the ranges of the luminous intensity and grew more than before the study, it was figured out that the introduction of the light would be safe. In particular, as the growth and development in the illuminance of more than 500lux was smoother than those before the study and the ornamental value and freshness of the plants were enhanced, the light is found to be effective to implement. When considering internal activity and ornamental value of the plants, it was figured out that 1,000lux is the most effective.
As a result of the study on adaptability of Ternstroemia gymnanthera to different levels of light intensity, it is considered that the plant can be grown safely under optical fibers, fluorescent light and LED light in the illumination intensity of more than 500lux also as a pot plant which can be moved. In addition, as one of tree species that can replace Ficus benjamina and Ficus retusa, it is expected that the plant can be utilized as an upper tree or a subject tree.
When considering the adequate luminous intensity by light source, it was figured out that fluorescent lamp and LED light were effective in the condition of 2,000lux and the most effective implementation plan is using optical fibers as lighting in the condition of 1,000lux.


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