Journal of People Plants Environment



J. Korean Soc. People Plants Environ. 2013;16(6):347-352. Published online December 30, 2013.
This study was conducted to research effect of the garden activities program reduction of school stress, self-esteem and attitude and recognition to environment middle school girls. garden activities program was performed on the 10session, before and after middle school girls school stress, self-esteem and attitude and awareness to environment was mesured, In the experimental group was school stress is decreased from 6.1(t=-3,516 p=0.007) point, showed statistically significant, self-esteem, 2.2(t=-3.161, p=0.012) points increased, showed a statistically significant and environmental attitude and recognition 5.5(t=-3.685, p=0.005) points and 5.1(t=-4.915, p=0.001) point increase was also statistically significant. Therefore, it is identified that garden activities program could be used to reduction of school stress, self-esteem and attitude and recognition to environment.

Keywords :Facilitating environment;Learning after school program;Role activity;Motivate

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